Linking words

mots mot liaison connection result reason comparison contrast order addition introduction conclusion example

Classroom language

and ENGLISH SENTENCE TRANSLATION Hello / good morning / good afternoon Bonjour / bonjour (matin) / bonjour (après-midi) Bye / goodbye / see you later Au-revoir / à bientôt Have a nice one / day / evening Bonne journée /…

Sentences & questions

I – Sentences, the basics It is very easy to construct sentences in English, it’s the same pattern in French: subject + verb + complements. The verb usually describes an action or a state. All of the sentences above are…


1 – What is a pronoun 2 – Types of pronouns A – Personal pronouns Subject Object B – Relative pronouns Exercise C – Possessive pronouns D – Demonstrative pronouns ⚠️ Some pronouns can easily be confused with determiners. 1…