Category Grammar
Questions 101
Present perfect
I – Present perfect The simple present perfect is used for past actions that have consequences in the present. For example, « I have lost my keys » implicates that I cannot open the door now. There is a link…
American & British English
Continuous present perfect
I – Present perfect The simple present perfect is used for past actions that have consequences in the present. For example, « I have lost my keys » implicates that I cannot open the door now. ⚠️Don’t forget that the…
Tenses summary
Tense is the form of a verb that indicates time and can be classified as present, past, and future. In addition, each tense has simple, perfect, continuous, and perfect continuous aspects that add different meaning to the verb.
“Make” and “do”
“Make” and “do” are often used incorrectly because in French there is only one word: faire. Words with DO Activity, gardening, job, task, test, cleaning, cooking, work, exercise, shopping, the right thing, favor, etc. Words with MAKE Apology, coffee, offer,…
Simple & continuous present
I – Simple present The simple present as its name indicates is the simplest tense in English. The only rule to remember is to add the -s at the end of the verb for the pronouns “he, she” or “it”.…
“For” or “To”
to for pour
Sentences & questions
I – Sentences, the basics It is very easy to construct sentences in English, it’s the same pattern in French: subject + verb + complements. The verb usually describes an action or a state. All of the sentences above are…