Category Pronunciation
Vowels can be defined with three different criteria: OPENNESS – how much the mouth is openPLACE – where the sound is realized, in the back of the throat or in the front near the lipsROUNDNESS – how rounded the lips…
American & British English
Pronunciation of -S
When an -S is added at the end of a word, either for the plural or the third person of the singular with the present it does not always sound the same. The pronunciation of -S depends on the final consonant…
Articles (a, an, the)
article vowel sounds consonant sound voyelle consonne
Pronunciation of -ED
prononcer ED preterit past participle participe passé -ED pronunciation
Phonetic alphabet
alphabet phonétique vowels voyelles consonnes consonants sounds sons
Writing and reading dates
écrire lire année year date month ordinals ordinaux