WordReference is an online translation dictionary. It offers different translations for different contexts.
Thesaurus is an online dictionary for synonyms and antonyms. It is helpful if you want to diversify your sentences or to stop repeating the same words.
Kurzgesagt is a YouTube channel that creates beautiful videos to share their passion for knowledge. Their slogan is “nothing in the universe is boring if you tell a good story”.
TED Talks are inspiring conference on different topics such as sciences, culture, politics and so on. Their slogan is “ideas worth spreading”. These videos are for advanced learners.
Lose The Very is the website that gives you alternative adjectives instead of using very before any adjective.
Quizlet is a website where I add all of the vocabulary seen in class. It is useful to learn news words with different games
Media Bias is a website that can tell you if a news paper is questionnable or reliable. They can check more than 6400 sources.
Ground News is a website that offers diverse articles from different newspapers with different political parties for the same events
Narakeet is a website that can create an audio that reads any text you want. This can be helpful to practice an oral.
RhymeZone is a website that can help you find words that are rhyming with any words of your choice. RimeSolides is a good French alternative.
Sound American is a website that can help you improve your prononciation. It is also very helpful to see the common spelling of each sound.